If you own a dog, leopard, lion or any other any animal or bird you have to enclose it to prevent it from wandering around aimlessly or being attacked by predators or attacking people or other animals. For you to install the right wire mesh for your pet you need to consider a number of factors:

Height of the mesh wire

This should be informed by the size of your pet and whether the pet has the ability to climb or jump. If you want to protect your pet from predators, you should consider whether the predators have the ability of jumping. To protect your animal and prevent it from getting out of the enclosure, you should ensure that the enclosure is high enough. When installing it remember to dig the wire under the soil surface. This is to prevent your animals from digging in and getting out of the mesh.

Fixtures and fittings

There is no way that the mesh wire will stand on its own-it requires fixtures and fittings. The most common fixtures that you need are posts. You can use metal or wooden posts. You should ensure that the posts are equal or greater in height than the wire mesh. This is to prevent the enclosure from falling or bending. If you have used wooden posts, you should paint them with an outdoor wood treatment that will ensure that they last for a long time.

In addition to posts, you also need cable ties that you will use in securing the mesh to the posts. If protecting your pet from predators, install stables over the mesh for extra security. It's common for the mesh wire to have gaping holes, especially around the joints. If this is the case with your mesh, you should purchase a few cable ties and use them to secure the mesh wire pieces together.

Your security

There are many types of wire mesh materials in the market that you can go for. You should choose the one that matches your security needs. If you aren't looking for too much security or you are enclosing birds, you should go for chicken wire. If you want more security you should go for wire mesh panels with a tighter weave.


These are the factors to consider when installing a mesh enclosure for your pets. For ideal results, buy your mesh wire from a reputable company.