Are you wondering what gift to offer a friend or relative who has a cat as their pet? Gift him a pet tent, it will make an ideal gift. These tents are versatile, lightweight and can be stored conveniently.

The prices of pet tents can vary a lot. You may procure a top quality expensive tent, or an inexpensive variety that is fine for indoor use or even in your backyard. You can certainly locate one that fits in your budget, while simultaneously fulfilling your requirements, as well as those of your friend.

Here are the benefits of cat tents:

Cats prefer sleeping in unseen spots. A pet tent works as a safe, quiet and private area for the pet to relax or go to sleep.
Condensed tents are excellent for trips. Certain tents are designed for use within the car, though you can also get pet tents intended for outdoor use. Generally, these may be used for cats as well as dogs.
You can get flexible, handy tents. You'll find them helpful when traveling with your pet. These are easy to shift, clean and store.
If you are short of funds and unable to procure a cat house or can't provide adequate space in the backyard, you can provide your cat with a tent to keep it protected from natural elements. You can hide it when not in use.
Cat tents are ideal for indoor use.

Most tents have a collapsible design, making it easy to fold and store them to save your space.
Pet tents can be assembled, packed and stored easily, particularly their pop-up variety.
Many tents include dangling toys, which the cat enjoys playing with.
Obviously, a pet tent can be considered as a piece of useful furniture.
Factors you should consider while procuring a cat tent:

There can be many factors influencing your choice. However, design and cost are the most significant and should be kept in mind while selecting a tent.
The next important factor is the size of tent. If your pet is large-sized, you have to procure a tent large enough for the animal to move easily inside it.
You should also consider the material used for making the tent. If you plan using it outdoor, you should get a tent with a sturdier construction. Lighter variety is made for indoor use.
If you like taking the pet along with you during your outdoor trips or camps, buy one designed appropriately for the purpose. You may know that most pets tend to get edgy while traveling.
Here are additional features you should seek while selecting the most suitable tent for your cat:

Easy installation and storage - it should be lightweight and convenient to carry, clean and install.
Great design - It should provide adequate ventilation to your pet.
The material used for its construction should be heavy-duty and durable.