Is your pet hiding behind the doors or whimpering behind the couch during any event? Don't just ignore these behaviors, but be mindful and investigate that is this anything related to noise phobia. It is common in some pets that they are taken in by noise phobia. Regardless of your staying in a town or a small countryside, at some stage of their life, your pet may be exposed to loud noises. And normally, pet parents are not aware whether their pet is suffering from noise phobia or not.

Find here the signs that show that your pet is afraid of loud noises.

Shaking as if just come out of cold water
Chewing aggressively
Barking constantly
Eating or drinking more than normal
Tail chasing
Excessive grooming
Digging in the house
Jumping on the furniture
These are some of the common signs that are seen in cats or dogs who are noise phobic. Contributing your time and having patience will allow you to make your pet feel relaxed and calm during such situations.

Quick Tips To Control Noise Phobia In Pets

Keep your kitties indoors and ensure to lock that cat flaps.
Switch on the TV or radio to create low sound background noise to distract the loud noise.
If your pet is too sensitive or responsive, encourage your pet to play in order to distract them from the noise of the events.
Beforehand provide a comfort zone - a cozy and soothing place where they can hide safely if they want to. You can create the safe area by using an old box or crate - can even consult a vet.
Stop fussing, soothing or cuddling your pet while it is scared. This only creates more anxiety in your pet. Rather stay more relaxed, stay calm, act normally and ignore the noises.
Do not walk your dog during the events. Take them on the walk when shooting is less more preferably in the morning when the noise is less. On walk, always try to keep your dog on a lease.
Never leave your pet alone during any event embedded with loud noise. If you do leave the house and saw your pet's destructive behavior, don't get angry.
Along with these simple steps sometimes it becomes crucial to put your pet on medications. These treatments help manage their noise phobias. Certain products such as diffusers, sprays, behavioral ointments assist in reducing the effects of unbearable noises during events. Moreover, as with many problems, prevention is better than cure. It is better to aid your pet associate loud noises with pleasant experiences such as pleasant noise like dog music, chew toy, favorite games or other activity. Train them to accept unpleasant noises and remain calm during such events.