While money is the most important commodity for life it is also the most disastrous. To live without it is impossible in a world where essential services and the things on which life depends has a cost to it. Even water is not free and if man had his way we would pay for the air we breathe, and in many ways we already do. Pollution, environmental destruction, loss of species, and dwindling resources are a cost that none of us can afford. Our planet is dying and we are in crisis.

That is the real exchange for money and while most may not realise it the benefits derived from it are nothing but disastrous. We have yet to face the greatest disaster of all and that is the last days of life on earth.

There are no warning bells and no place to jump off the earth to escape because we are exchanging money for life. That is the way it was when it was invented and to understand that the Spirit took me back to Babylon and the start of formal religion, Islam.

The name of it then was also Zoro-Aster or Morning Star and a vision showed me how it came about. The rising sun's rays were directed through a small hole in a stone to disperse into the rings of great beauty and perpetual motion. The people fell to their knees in 'awe', which is the same term as 'or' for 'sun' and 'metal', the most precious of which is gold.

The human mind is capable of the wildest dreams and the result of the sun-star and its effect on the population was so strong that it has never altered. In the center of the vision the right-angled cross is seen and this gave men the idea that by dying on it the rays of light could be ridden upwards into heaven. It was considered that men would then become mates to it and live forever in the home of the stars.

In other words they could 'marry' Mary, the name of the sun-star and it means 'mother's powerful eye'. The one on the cross was the 'man in the eye' or 'mon-eye' from whence came the term 'money'. He was the exchange and the currency by which he traded his life for which he became a 'god', which is the origin of 'good' and 'goods'.

Money is the product of a dream and the evil of notions that men can become Father Gods. It was born of evil and is the cause of God's retribution and the destruction of the coming destruction of the earth.

The second beast, Constantine, put money as the center of the World Order. He also established the Catholic Church, the first Christian religion in 325. My reincarnation proves that the pillars of that religion, heaven and hell, do not exist and so the credibility of his work is based on dreams and lies.

The work of the 2 beasts of Revelation goes to the heart of the financial systems through which they still run the world. My experience is pertinent to understanding why these things are known by me and are published on the Internet for free.