Promotional modeling is a specific form of modeling targeted at promoting a good, service or brand. It is not to be confused with being an ambassador for a brand, but rather its primary intention is to create a positive appeal for the brand in order to boost sales.

How should you Look Like?

The harsh truth of the industry is that a certain standard or conventional body size and beautiful figure will be expected of you in promotional modeling. This is because clients would naturally want themselves and the public to associate these models positively with their brand. The restrictions are definitely much lower than that of fashion models, and the work is relatively much less stressful, however, in general, a height of above 165cm and a slender figure would be expected.

Also keep in mind when approaching a modeling agency to not wear anything too grand or fanciful. Anything that you are comfortable with, akin to a t-shirt and jeans style, is enough during your casting call or audition. This is because as a promotional model there will be a large variety of clothes you will wear depending on your client's contract offer, hence just wear simple clothes, with simple makeup and let the clients and modeling agencies use their creativity to assess the suitability of your look with the style that they want.

Communicative Skills

Work on speaking fluently and confidently when you approach a modeling agency. As a promotional model looking good is just one aspect; a more important aspect is your ability to sell a product, service or idea. You should be able to engage with customers in conversation and convince them of your product or service's benefits.

This becomes even more important if you can establish yourself to be a spokes model. You will sign a contract with a company and represent the company as the face of the brand. You would be appearing in advertisements, traveling around, and meeting with various people associated with your brand. You should thus be able to articulate the work you do and add value to the brand, product or service you are modeling for.

Research on the Various Industry Types

There are a plethora of industries promotional models can be in. You should identify some key industries of your interest and identify the modeling agencies that have successfully placed models in such industries. For example, if you love cars or love motor vehicles, perhaps the design, speed and other aspects of it, then your interest to work as a promotional model could likely lie in the automobile industry. You should then approach an agency by researching on their background work first and in your first interview state your passion and preferences for the industry and work you would like to be involved in.

However, if you are a model starting out don't get too choosy. Take up the job opportunities you get first. Gain industry experience, modeling expertise and prove your worth to the agency. Soon enough you will be considered for the modeling work that you like. Your networking skills will not only land you the job as a promotional model but will also mean how fast you progress in the industry.