I have just learnt something different, I have been writing articles for several years but now I have written a book and self-published it on "create space", a self-publishing platform.

This morning I had a pleasant surprise, a copy of my book arrived by post for me to proof read. It is a paper-back with a lovely glossy cover, full of crisp white pages. To hold a real book that I have created is quite an exciting moment. I would like to share with you how you can do it too.

First you need your "story" as a PDF file. You can then format it yourself, or use "Fiverr", for a small fee, depending on the size of the manuscript; I was very happy with the work done for me, or you can have it done professionally by create space.

Create space the self publishing site I chose has many videos on YouTube explaining how to perform the various tasks required. You are able to design a cover if you wish using their free tool, which I found fun to use and easy when I got the hang of it and I love the results. Or once again you can have one designed for you.

You are then taken through the various stages with videos and soon you are ready to proof read your creation. At this stage I decided I wanted to see the real thing rather than proof it online, so I ordered a copy and therefore had to await its arrival. So now all I have to do over the next few days is settle down quietly and proof it, or better still get someone who is unfamiliar with the contents to do this for me. You can have it professionally proofed. All I have to do then is set the whole system in motion and people will be able to order the finished book.

The beauty of this system means your readers can order as many copies as they want and they are printed to order so there is no expensive print run. Therefore avoiding the usual expense of having a book published. The selling price is your choice and the publishing costs are deducted before you receive your royalties. Of course unless your book becomes a best-seller you will not make a fortune but it is a great way to see your creation in print and who knows someday you may produce a gem!

So all you budding authors this is a simple way to get your book in print. It has been a fun and exciting, sometimes frustrating learning curve but now I am almost at the end of my journey and ready to decide on my next book. So if you are looking for a new hobby or way to work at home this might appeal to you.

It always amazes me that around 2000,000,000 people are daily searching Google for ways to work at home. There are many ways if you make some Google searches or study the magazine racks for ideas, but if you are looking for a simple starting point online affiliate marketing is still one of the simplest and might appeal. It is suitable for most people who are prepared to commit time and effort to a new business. To keep it simple enlist the guidance of a good coach, who supplies excellent best-selling products for your customers, and current training. You then earn commissions whilst you learn the techniques.

Whatever new venture you decide on for your New Years Resolutions, enjoy, and the best of luck!

Hello My name is Anne So if you really are Serious about Replacing Your Day-Job & Working at Home

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