It is first an invention with no spiritual value and it's not part of the natural events. It is artificial and an instrument of power and control. It bears the monarch's head because the king replaced God as the source of everything that nature would normally provide. Observations in the natural world show that all living things are provided with proper food and housing without the need for money. Man, on the other hand, has created a situation whereby he cannot sustain himself without it.

That summarizes the value of money. It represents our clothing, food, housing, and even our health but it I still not worth someone's life. The situation we are now in is far different from the world of ancient times. The monetary system by which the world operates, however, has only been around since the bronze age when the manufacture of coins was made possible.

Trade began more than two million years ago in the Stone Age as sites occupied by Homo Erectus and dated to around that time demonstrate. So what changed? Man's progress and development of weapons and metal tools allowed greater things to eventuate. It led to kings, wars and the building of empires and a slippery slope of dependency on man's abilities rather than God.

In the Roman Empire Emperors charged nations and taxes were introduced to support Rome and debt followed. Those who could not pay their taxes were enslaved or executed as examples to others.

The Emperor who established the system under which the economy still runs was Constantine who also created the Catholic Church for power and control of the nations under his command. He is 666 in Revelation 13:12-18 and his purpose was to seal up the things of God and bury the truth under a great wall of deceit.

It is time for the wall to go and my reincarnation and instructions from the Spirit, which is the real God, has led to the knowledge to bring it down. Money is a part of it and the economic systems of the world are in dire straits. The fact that they are man-made and money is not from God then it is of no value and most certainly is not worth someone's life.

The work of the 2 beasts of Revelation goes to the heart of the financial systems through which they still run the world. My experience is pertinent to understanding why these things are known by me and are published on the Internet for free.