Wow! Did you see Derren Brown on TV last night? I have seen him before but last night was different, he performed his usual amazing mind control and tricks but also had a theme running through the show, he seemed to me to be showing how mind control and belief can be used for the common good. The second half of the show he spent apparently curing people of a variety of aches and pains, performing as though preaching the gospel, a bit bizarre but many people appeared to benefit.

The power of the mind, and belief systems are topics high on my agenda. I am a great believer in directing our thoughts to achieve whatever is dear to us. I believe we are capable of much more than we think. I am a great fan of Anthony Robbins. He advocates changing a negative state into a positive one in order to change our lives; He suggests changing the way we are viewing our problems, using the practice of NAC and other techniques. Full explanations are demonstrated in "Awaken the Giant within"

It is strange the way some people achieve success whist others go round in circles, no matter how hard they try. Also most people suffer a black period in their lives at some point even the successful. The achievers bounce back and treat disasters as a spur to better things. How many millionaires and successful people have lost everything and begun again! Often we only hear of the successes.

When we are in the midst of a black period it is as though we are driving with the brakes on and going round in circles. We are sending mixed messages to our subconscious minds. Whist we think we are being positive, with the next breath we are dwelling on something negative about our situation. We therefore end up bouncing from one bad situation to the next.

I seem to be having one of these black spells at the moment, but I am determined to break the cycle after 9 months of ill-health and other problems. At such times even small challenges feel totally out of proportion, they pile up and feel overwhelming.

Well today is the day I start to turn my life around again, the sun is shinning which is a good start and I've had enough of gloom. Once again I will read "Awaken the Giant Within" and follow the advice given, together with a collection of other books. The final straw this morning was getting a DVD stuck in the slot and messing up my laptop and over-reacting. When I cooled down I decided now is the turning point I must take control, be constructive and start to change things for the better!

I will make a list of positive actions I must take, dwell on the positives, and good events in my life also what I have achieved in the past.

One of the things I have to be grateful for is a little home business that I can work from my laptop, (When I don't miss-use it), with no more commuting. I can work from the comfort of my home. I will tell you how you can do this too, it does take a while to build your business to your desired income, but it is fun watching it grow in your spare-time.

Beginning online can be a bit scary so the simplest way to start is with a system called affiliate marketing; working with a coach and mentor who provides tried and tested products that sell. Also you have great training in marketing so that you can begin earning whilst you are learning the techniques.

So whatever challenges you are dealing with, take heart, most people are beset by challenges at sometime in their lives and your black period will end soon if you take control. Best wishes and may next year be a good one!

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