The world depends on money for everything important to the preservation of life. That is how man has made it, but it was not always that way. Not until the arrival of kings and their greed for wealth did things change. No longer could one live simply once society demanded payment so that the god-on-earth could live like a god in heaven. Only now can we even talk about it because not so long ago that would have been classified as treason.

After my reincarnation and with a special view of the world taken from the perspective that everyone who has lived is now back, as promised in the bible (Job 5:19-22, Isaiah 26:19), my observations took me back to figure it out. What has money got to do with the plan of God? That was the question and it was not an easy one to answer.

If everyone has returned from the dead is it not logical that some are now black who were once white, while some are rich who were previously poor. What if some are now women who were previously men, as in my case. Wouldn't this be a way of punishing those who have treated others badly in a previous life? Wouldn't it be justified if one was abused by a woman-hater and is now a woman who is punished by a man?

No one knows the answers to these questions and speculation doesn't fill in the blanks but there is a lot afoot now that seems to head in this direction. In the Old Testament prophecies, the Spirit promised that the world will end at this time. How do we know this? In Micah 4:1 it is promised that at the end of days there will be a mountain so high that everyone will go to it.

That mountain is the Internet and in Jeremiah 25:31,33 it states that God will use this mountain to speak to the world. The great movement in technology that has allowed all people everywhere to hear the same things and to be connected to the one voice has happened. While money has been the instigator for invention and better communication it is God's voice that is speaking through it.

The zillions of pages on the web reveals the truth. Everything discovered is on it and all that we have done in the past is now paraded there like a massive museum. God has used money to bring it about and is now using greed, a product of money, to bring about the end of the day. The huge spike in population can be read as proof that everyone is back and listening to the truth, which is why religions are failing.

Norma Holt has memory of her reincarnation and knows that reincarnation is fact and that everyone who has lived is back. They are turning to the Mountain of God which is the Internet for answers.