Overpopulation is a curse on the earth, but a blessing for business. One has to listen to the politicians to understand why they want more migration into a country like Australia, which seems crowded and highly over-priced. A high-rise apartment in Sydney is now worth more than a castle or villa in countries in Europe. The German Chancellor saw increased migration as a solution to her country's decline in working age people and it started the great rush into Europe by Muslims.

Because of money people invested heavily in houses in capital cities in Australia forcing their prices up by the shortage it has created. The result is there are now thousands of empty homes held by investors (mostly from overseas) while thousands live on the streets unable to afford the exorbitant rents.

A business man was interviewed by the media recently in his tent in a local park. It seems that even one's income cannot guarantee a home. Not so long ago houses sold for $500 in suburbs where they now fetch upwards of a million. All that in my adult life.

Money and greed is killing the earth and people are now so caught in the spiral of wealth versus logic that there can be no stopping it. It's a highway to heaven for many but what's the consequence for the rest. On the other side of the coin poverty is increasing, starvation is growing, diseases are multiplying, wars are happening, and climate change is destroying the world.

One of the major things in my vision of the world has to do with my reincarnation and a feeling that all who have lived are now back. In other words, there is no heaven or hell but a Spirit God that fills all of space and that is also in control of human behaviour. It's the only logical conclusion for why greed and wealth have such prominent roles in what are shaping up to be the last days.

Norma Holt has memory of her reincarnation and knows that reincarnation is fact and she suspects that everyone who has lived is back. They are turning to the Mountain of God which is the Internet for answers.