Online law tuition is becoming an increasing popular option both for students and law tutors. Indeed many tutors now prefer to teach their students through Skype and other online services. Some predict that by the year 2017 most LLB tutors will be partaking in online law tuition over traditional localised private tutoring.

There are a number of reasons for this interesting phenomenon. First online law tuition has the benefit of flexibility. Tutors and students often have busy schedules and it is much easier to work around those schedules when there is no need to be in a fixed location. There is also much time and expense saved without having to travel.

Secondly, as any private LLB tutor knows, there are only a certain number of customers in any fixed place. The benefit of online law tuition is that it allows any LLB tutor to reach outside of their location. The whole globe is the market for the online savvy private law tutor.

Third, there has been a proliferation of various tools in recent times to help private law tutors with their online law tuition services. These tools include screen sharing, uploading documents such as essays and dissertations for the private tutor to check through, and interactive whiteboards. Although some of these tools may seem unfamiliar to you now, they may soon become common place to all law tutors who ply their trade in the digital realm.

The average LLB tutor will of course benefit from these advances, but it is not just the teaching side of the LLB tutoring industry that will benefit but also students themselves. Many students who study the LLB do not do so in big city hubs, and will not have access to physical law tutors in the abundance that those in city centres do, but through online law tuition they will be able to get the same high quality education. That means law students that are studying closely related courses to the LLB can tap into the best LLB tutors, a group that includes trainee barristers, academic researchers and first class graduate students.

This is no simple advantage but may make the difference between students who pass their degree and those who end up achieving a first class honours result. In an increasingly competitive law market, good results in the LLB make law students stand apart so that they are more viable as candidates to law firms and the bar. Law tutors play an integral part to the future success of these students.

It is no surprise therefore that with all of these advantages to both tutors and students alike that online tutoring is now displacing localised tuition. It is highly likely in the future that all private law tutors will go online. The future of legal education is one that embodies the digital age. Legal education like all education will become freer and more flexible. It will not be limited by national boundaries.

Law tutors should bear these trends in mind and therefore adapt their practices towards online tuition. The best way to do this is to join online law tutoring agencies and businesses. These businesses provide the marketing and the clients so that the tutor can focus on what she or he really wants: LLB tutoring.