Animals do not generally show pain and discomfort, so it can be difficult to tell if they are in need of a veterinarian's care. However, there are a few telltale signs that Fluffy or Fido needs to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Here are some of the more common symptoms and how they are usually resolved.

If your normally quiet cat is suddenly pacing and restless, that is usually a sign something is wrong. Sometimes, your cat will suddenly take an interest in a new item in your house, but sometimes this can also be a sign that he or she is in pain. The only way to be sure is to take them to the vet to get a thorough physical to see what's going on. Often, it's little more than a toothache or something that is pretty easy to cure. Other times, it can be something more problematic, like a brain tumor.

Another sign your pet needs a veterinarian's care is if they are taking unusual steps to get your attention. For example, if your normally friendly pet is growling at you or someone else, or if they defecating or urinating where they don't normally do their business. Sometimes, dogs or cats will frequently bark or meow, and sometimes those barks or meows will sound different than what they normally do.

Conversely, sometimes your pet will hide from you if it's in pain. This is especially true of cats, but dogs and other animals are known to do this too. Your dog or cat might sleep more as well, and this is sometimes a symptom of a larger and more extreme problem. Calling your vet and getting a check-up scheduled is the best way to be sure your dog or cat is okay.

Does your dog or cat just look uncomfortable? If your dog is sitting in a funny, hunched over position or if your cat is curled up and seems very tense, sometimes these are even more signs that you need to call your veterinarian as soon as possible to get your dog or cat checked out. Again, this might signify a small problem or a larger one, but the only way to tell is by having your pet examined by a professional veterinarian.

Finally, check your pet's breath. If it is much worse than usual, this can sometimes mean that there's a problem with your pet's teeth. Your pet might need to have its teeth cleaned or a few teeth pulled in order to remedy the problem.