The Enphase AC battery continues to grow in popularity due to how well it works and the conveniences it provides. As you learn more about it, you may decide it is just what you need to have readily available. If you aren't familiar with it, this plug and play modular item is easy to use and charges quickly.

Safe and Reliable

Many consumers are interested in the Enphase AC battery due to the excellent reviews about it. Not only is it safe to use, it is also getting top marks for being reliable. These are two perks that help entice consumers to make the decision this is the right product for them to invest in. They want something they can count on for the long term to work every single time.

The battery is made from lithium ion phosphate. This is responsible for the extra long battery life it is able to offer. The maximum life expectancy is 10 years so the investment is one you can count on. Make sure you read the warranty details in the event you have any concerns during that 10 year span.

The system is designed to think for you, and the Enphase AC battery is going to help you reduce the overall utility bill you normally expect. It is also going to use the battery life saving elements so your level of power isn't diminished more than absolutely necessary. Yet it is able to continually offer you the services you need. The setup is flexible so you can customise it.

At the same time, the Enphase AC battery offers you the low cost you are looking for. It isn't a product you will have to replace any time soon either. Perhaps you can't afford to go the route of solar panels at this time. It doesn't mean reducing your energy costs has to be out of reach. In fact, some consumers get this battery and they reap the savings on their bill each month.

They use that money to help them save for the cost of getting the solar panels installed. That is certainly one possibility to think about. It is compatible with other types of solar technology too. This includes other Enphase products such as micro-inverters. However, this is a common option used by smaller businesses or at homes where they have no plans for solar panels to be used.


It is important to find a qualified installer who has the proper training with the Enphase AC battery. Not everyone does so you may have to contact a few providers before you find one. Don't settle for someone that doesn't have the right training or equipment to successfully get the job done.

It is actually quite easy to get it installed and to manage the system. However, it does require the set up to be done correctly or you can have issues with it. You don't want the full potential it can deliver to be reduced. You also want to make sure it is safely installed as that should always be a top priority. It only takes on person to install though, not a team.

Energy Efficient

Another enticing fact to encourage the use of the Enphase AC battery is the energy efficiency it offers. The best technology is packed into it to offer an excellent product that uses very little energy to get the job done. It continues to get rave reviews for the energy reduction efforts which is a big part of all the Enphase products available. They offer solutions you can count on!

The power of solar energy is amazing, and we are excited to continue to bring you opportunities to embrace it. In the past, only those with a great deal of money were able to benefit from this type of resource. Today, we make it both practical and affordable for you to count on solar methods. It feels great to be able to save money every single month. At the same time, you can be proud of your efforts to reduce environmental concerns.