Retirement, do you wonder if you will ever reach it with the new retirement age? Will you have enough energy to do the things you want to do? Will your heath remain sound? These are the questions many people are currently asking.

Have you a pension or investment fund, maybe a portfolio of rental properties to provide the necessary funds? I doubt interest rates will help you, maybe you should invest in property everyone needs a home.

Another point to ponder, what hobbies and interests do you have to take you into retirement? How much golf can you play; cruises cost cash, you may think camping is for the youngsters.

How about developing an interest now that you can continue to enjoy into retirement, something you can spend a few hours a week maintaining that will give you satisfaction, a developing interest and extra cash.

I am talking about starting a small online business, now, in your spare time so that when you are ready and it is bringing in sufficient income for your requirements you can sack the boss and retire early. Internet marketing is a low-cost way of starting a business, you don't need complex skills to begin just a laptop and internet connection and you can begin to develop your time and location freedom.

The simplest way to begin online is with a system called affiliate marketing. With the help and guidance of a mentor and a group of like-minded entrepreneurs you will begin to learn the skills required. Your coach will provide products for your customers, sales training and tools and you will be able to earn commissions whilst you develop your skills. The tried and tested formula and best-selling products create a low-risk start-up.

You can develop most hobbies into an internet business, if you look at magazine racks you will find a ready-made audience of hungry buyers on many topics. If they buy magazines, they have a strong interest.

What could be better than knowing your future retirement will not only subsidize your lifestyle but colour your days with your favourite interest. You can grow your business to your desired size. There are many part-timers in the industry which is growing daily as more people become comfortable with shopping online. There are also many millionaires. The size of your dream is up to you.

Start now and design your future. Best wishes with your new venture and a happy healthy retirement.

Books to inspire you:

"Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins

"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" Dr Joseph Murphy

"Napoleon Hill's "Keys to Success"

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