Every year, thousands of businesses fall prey to bogus injury and illness claims, causing them to pay out extreme amounts of money. If you're currently undergoing an investigation that you believe to be unfounded or exaggerated for the complainant's benefit, you may wish to consult a professional fraud investigation team to stop it going to court.

Disproving the validity of a fraudulent claim could save you thousands in court fees and lawyer charges. This will essentially allow you to nip the case in the bud before it wastes any unnecessary time or resources. A professional private investigator could supply you with everything you need to protect your business from the allegations you've been presented with.

In years gone by, it would not have been possible to produce the kind of evidence in court that we do now. Often, an illness or injury claim would rely too heavily on the person's account of a situation, leaving cases like these open to manipulation.

What's more, unless you employ professional tactics, there is usually a substantial lack of information surrounding the case to back up your perspective. Many people are caught off-guard with these kind of fraudulent claims - whereas the individual looking to prosecute has usually spent months collecting information they can use to their advantage.

Thankfully, advancements in modern technology now mean that we can obtain irrefutable evidence that can be used to prove or disprove a variety of crimes. With specialist asset and vehicle tracking, highly trained detectives are able to undertake complete surveillance on their subjects using the latest technology.

Professional detectives deal with hundreds of cases like this, so will know exactly what to look out for. They will keep you in the loop through every step of the operation, giving you regular updates in the form of a detailed report. Once all the evidence has been obtained, and you are happy with the outcome, it can then be used in court to support your case.

Companies like these will generally employ a team of experienced operatives to take videos, photographs and undertake other comprehensive, detailed reporting to cover all information that may be relevant to your case. They have usually been specially trained in order to operate in the most discrete and professional manner, leaving no trace behind.

Specialist detective agencies will also be able to help you establish evidence to prove someone has been pilfering, stealing or forging activity records. If you suspect one of your employees has been doing any one of these things, it's important to consult a lawyer as soon as possible in order to prepare your defence, should they take action against you.

Once you have legal protection, it is time to find a private detective agency that can provide the evidence you will need to support your case. It's a good idea to find someone reputable, preferably with a team of experienced operatives who have been working in the field for a long time.

Most private investigators will have a good track record, though due to the nature of their work, it's not always possible to obtain client feedback. The best thing you can do is to perform extensive online research to scope out your options. You will need to visit their office directly in order to begin proceedings which will give you a better indicator of how the agency works.

In terms of price, it's advisable to weigh up the competition between different companies. Some will offer promotions and discounts, but make sure they are legitimate, and never make any payments over the internet without consulting with the company face to face.