It seems obvious that money is the tool bulldozing everything alive into the ground. It doesn't look dangerous as it's mostly paper, but it is stronger in power than all the nuclear bombs put together, more lethal than the strongest poison, more demanding than any king, and more desirable than anything else on offer. It is, however, nothing more than man's invention and nothing in God's eyes yet it is the means to destroy us all.

Its power comes from our imagination while its poisoning of systems and destruction of resources is derived from greed. Its strength is aligned to power and control exercised by religions and governments. The desire for it is based on nothing more than the way man has structured society to depend on it for food, clothing, housing, and everything else.

The economic system is the brain-child of the Roman Empire. More specifically it came from Emperor Claudius Constantine, who established the Catholic church, started Christianity, built the Vatican, invented Jesus Christ, and murdered millions. He gained sole rule over the huge expanse of territories that were impossible to rule with just one man but he had a plan.

Contemporary authors noted that the plan was there from his childhood and when he seized the throne on the death of his father, Constantius, he worked to carry it out. What they did not know, nor has the world known, that he is 666 as described in Revelations 13:12-18.

Money, taxes, penalties, the law, and religious domination of entire countries are part of his legacy. Now the world cannot live without them because the economy is based on the same principles and religion and the law are so entwined that one cannot exist without the other.

This is the crux of the World Order which sanctions money as key to our lifestyles and success. Now it is destroying the planet as habitats are destroyed, resources are dwindling, and population increase is heading to complete disaster. While people are looking for someone to pop up wearing the numbers 666 they should look back to the beginning of our era.

Following my reincarnation, the knowledge that came with me is such that the roots of religion in sun-worship stand out like neon lights. Nothing people do now is much different to what they did then except that we have gotten better at it. When requested by the Spirit to tear down the wall of blindness, which happened in 1984, the size of that barrier to truth and life was shown to me in visions.

No one has the ability to circumvent or penetrate it unless given the means to do so by the real God, the Spirit of the Universe. It was promised to happen before the last days and by all accounts that time has arrived. Money is man's folly and it is destroying the planet.

Norma Holt knows the work of the 2 beasts of Revelation goes to the heart of the financial systems through which they still run the world. Her experience is pertinent to understanding why these things are known by me and are published on the Internet for free.