Great education is not confined to books. Real knowledge comes from exploring new places and avenues. When you go on a journey, you discover a lot of things that you were previously unaware of. You learn and grow from experience instead of sitting in a classroom or reading from a book. Kids benefit a lot from traveling as visually seeing things that you previously only read about in a book, is more appealing to their mind. Not just children but even adults grow more inquisitive and curious when they travel. There are many reasons why one should travel as often as they can:

Break The Monotony: Nothing can be more repressive than leading a monotonous life. It is stifling and blocks the mind from being lively and creative. Staying at one place and following a fixed schedule every day can be nerve racking after a while. When monotony tries to drag you down, it's a sign to pack your bags and head down the road seldom taken, quite literally.

Discover New Culture: The world is full of wonders just waiting to be explored. The view that frames your desktop screen looks even more beautiful when experienced in real life. New places are inhabited by new people that we don't encounter on daily basis and they have their own unique way of life. Living amongst strangers and discovering and learning their culture is far more appealing than reading about it in a book. Different cultures have different kind of cuisines, social behavior, way of dressing and interests. You learn so much more by interacting with them and such interaction stay with you longer than words you just glanced off from a page.

Learn New Language: Different places have different culture and different languages. Often we try to learn new languages at institutions and find it to be quite a challenging task. Very few have experienced the charm of staying with locals for a while and learning their native tongue. It is the best and most exciting opportunity to expand one's cultural horizon.

Discover More About Yourself: The last but the most important aspect of travelling is that you learn a lot more about yourself when you travel. It removes you from your regular surroundings and everyday affairs. You encounter different situations and people during the journey and each experience is enriching. It teaches you something new about the world and how you tackle different situations. The way you deal with things far away from home teaches you something new about yourself. Also, travelers always have the best stories to tell.

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